Jonesboro UMC Our Services

Our Services

In 2000, we were the first church in Sanford that offered a contemporary service, a separate service early on Sundays, followed by a traditional service later in the morning. This service was a new experience, with a praise band and new music, and the chance to enjoy coffee or snacks during worship. While many loved this service, the sense of having two distinct congregations proved a challenge, so we moved to a system of alternating the styles of the service.

On First and Third Sundays, we worship in a traditional style in our Sanctuary.

At this service, we use more liturgical forms that help us teach and remember the faith of our forebears. We have a robed choir and a world-class organist. Formal dress is more typical, though some prefer to dress more casually, and all are welcome exactly as they are.

On Second and Fourth Sundays, we worship in a relaxed style in our open space called the Wesley Center.

At this service, we are more experimental with form and rhythm, embracing the call to hear the voice of the Spirit anew in every generation. We sit in rows of chairs, are led by a small praise team, and embrace newer music. More casual dress is more typical, though many do dress formally as it is their custom for church services. On Second Sundays, this service is followed by a coffee hour.

On 5th Sundays, we worship with our hands and leave the building altogether!

If there is a 5th Sunday in a month, we have an abbreviated service in the mixed-use space and then go out from the church into the community to work together on acts of service. All three services enrich us and contribute to our experience of meeting God in worship.